
Building Information Modeling  


What is B.I.M.?

BIM goes beyond software or a specific model, it is a collaborative work methodology based on digital tools.

These digital tools allow collaborative work to be possible in a way where information flows between all stakeholders in a way that facilitates the operation and construction of the project.

All stages of the project are evaluated from its conceptual design to its operation and maintenance.

How to implement B.I.M?

The BIM implementation process within an industry company AEC (ARCHITECTURE, ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION) is part of a digital transformation of the organization, which in turn must be fostered by a LEAN Philosophy of continuous improvement.

This continuous improvement directs us in the search for new tools and methodologies such as I.S.O. 19650 where we apply the necessary standards to adopt the BIM methodology in our construction and administrative processes. Increasing in the medium and long term the competitiveness of the company, the profit margins and the productivity of the industry.

The BIM implementation in the industry is a response to low productivity rates, and its poor performance compared to other industries. The digitization of the industry and the creation of intelligent information models allow us to migrate towards a industrialization of the construction processes from the digital conceptualization of each project.

This has and will have a considerable effect on the productivity of the industry when it is a practice adopted throughout the industry, benefiting the economy in general. In developed economies we already see how digital tools allow building in an "offsite" way, translating into increasingly complex projects with less risk and less execution time. 


The B.I.M. implementation involves resources of time and costs; investments in licenses for digital tools, training for staff and fighting resistance to change, which is normal in human behavior. These factors influence companies to find organizational implementation as the biggest challenge. The effort developed in this stage is the one that needs the most energy, when the change comes from top to bottom is when there is the greatest probability of success, but this also finds resistance in either of the two ways. If the implementation is only from the bottom up in the organizational structure it is substantially more difficult to achieve a successful implementation.

It is for these reasons that it is important to understand how the investment to implement B.I.M. It will cause the company to generate more profits. This return on investment of resources is in the medium and long term. So it is important to raise the K.P.I.S. correct to be able to offer a financial route to all the interested entities in charge of the decisions of the organization's resources. Fortunately, there is a lot of evidence and success stories to be able to easily create this route. 

Success Stories

In AINCO We are at the forefront of this innovation through our I.T. department. We have sought to adopt the technological tools as best as possible to adopt these technologies that allow us to offer greater value to our projects. Our way B.I.M. It started in 2014 and during this time we have managed to develop expertise to help other companies (suppliers and customers) to adopt this workflow to develop increasingly integrated projects. Our project delivery approach I.P.D. (Integrated Project Delivery) is possible thanks to the adoption of this collaborative method of work.

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ISO 19650

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